To accurately explain the purpose of VERITICO STOCK, we have prepared a couple of videos. In the first one, we explain why inventory forecasting, demand planning and automated smart replenishment are the backbone of our solution.
How Does Demand Forecasting Work?
Demand Forecasting is the basis for inventory management in any company. For our forecast, VERITICO STOCK uses a combination of statistical methods, machine learning and neural networks. The system intelligently selects from 80 statistical models ...
How Does Inventory Management Work?
The perfect balance between availability of goods and the cost of holding stock is the holy grail of supply chain management. Fortunately, it is possible to achieve high availability of critical products for important customers at reasonable wareh...
How Does Replenishment Work?
You’ll know you’ve done the previous steps correctly when you begin preparation of orders, actual ordering, and reordering. Replenishment is the moment where math meets reality. Our order proposals are based on your forecast and your strategy.
Dive into our ebook on VERITICO STOCK to find out more about inventory forecasting, demand planning & smart replenishment.